Prep time: 10mins; activity duration: 20-30mins for kids aged 4-10
Yes indoor fireworks are real and do exist (who knew eh – I certainly didn’t a few years ago!) and they are perfectly safe (assuming you observe some common sense precautions).

disco inferno
These various coloured (but mostly shades of khaki) chalky capsules arrive in a A4 size box with fabulously aspirational names – Blazing Bengals, Disco Inferno, Flash Harry, Snakes Alive and Pyro Hell Lounge (I made that last one up).
In terms of explosiveness, size, volume and illumination these obviously don’t come remotely close to their larger outdoor siblings. More akin to a series of high school science experiments, yet they do provide a really unique way to celebrate an event in the cosy comfort of your own home.
With sufficient sparkling, fizzing and sizzling (all the zees) these will undoubtedly appeal to younger kids, especially those that aren’t fans of the inevitable loud bangs, whooshes and screams that accompany outdoor fireworks.
The allure for all of course being there is no standing around in the cold for three hours enveloped in four jumpers and two coats with your tired and fidgety offspring balanced on your shoulders “..because their legs hurt” (we’ve all been there right?).

safety first, fun second
Although these are miniature, snack-sized fireworks the same basic precautions should be observed as with their larger counterparts, summarized as follows:
supervise kids
pets away
Pop any pets, raccoons, gerbils (love those fellas) or other furry friends safely away. Last thing you need is little Fonzy running across the dining table to inspect close-up what you’re all gawping at.
water or sand
Rather than having a fire crew on standby, a humble glass of water or a small bowl of sand is sufficient should the tiddly pyros get ideas of grandeur and put on a real show, or you forget to move to a safe distance all those combustible birthday cards, the pinata collection or that matchstick windmill you’ve been working on for 6 months.
heat proof mat
The base of the fireworks get quite hot and invariably quite ashy, so definitely light them on a baking tray or baking dish to contain the mess, ensuring you place a cork mat, table mat or similar heat proof covering underneath to prevent burn marks on your Mum’s dining table (sorry Mum it wasn’t table stigmata).
Some barbecue tongs or a spoon are a super useful addition here if you need to manipulate or snuff out the toasty ashen remains in some way.
ventilate the room
Ventilate the room to ensure any fire alarms aren’t set off and help evaporate the science experiment aromas.
Some matches or a lighter to light the little sizzling blighters. Obviously (hopefully) don’t delegate your little Jimmy or Gemina as Chief Pyro Officer (CPO to those in the know). Tiny fireworks don’t need tiny hands to light.
Hopefully obvious but best viewed in total darkness so wait until nightfall or pull across those blackout curtains/blinds.
Most importantly the Jean-Michel Jarre Oxygen soundtrack (or something inferior) cued up on Spotify ready for the main event.

<30 mins
Why buy?
Super safe, scaled down alternative for fireworks night or to headline any birthday celebrations in the comfort of your own home and without the hassle of getting cold or standing around for hours. Younger kids will go mad for it. Wonderfully different.
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