
I’m board.org was conceived in Summer 2020 by Rob, an out of work IT consultant but not really started until January 2024 mainly due to necessary bureaucracy, three lengthy tea breaks (1 year each), a stack of dishes, and a whole host of competing workloads.

I’m board.org brings together Rob’s lifelong love for games, reading rules and contempt for cheaters in to one digital sweet spot. Here he hopes visitors will discover several great games they didn’t realise they needed in their lives.

I’m board.org was launched in May 2024 to much fanfare and international critical acclaim, but Rob, preferring not to bask in the limelight, popped the kettle on and hung up the washing.

Surprisingly, Rob does not live alone, but with a wife (his), two kids (again his) and a feline board game saboteur in a leafy part of London, UK.

The 'Saboteur' strikes again!